Thursday, June 7, 2012

Onward and Upward

Since the official match a few things have happened. We have started communication with the IFs (R and T), agreed on a transfer window and signed the legal retainer.

Since we kinda missed out on the getting to know you, casual part of the match meeting, I was really excited to get contact information and think about how we can develop our relationship with the guys from so far away. When I first started this blog, I did a Getting to Know Me post. I thought it would be fun for DH, R and T to answer the questions, as an ice breaker, of sorts. It ended up being a really fun way to find out a little bit about each other, even if they are silly, trivial facts:o)

I also gave R and T the address for my blog and asked them how they felt about it. As you can see, they OKed the use of their first initials, but are very private people, so I will respect that and limit the specific information about them:o)

While we wait for the fun to begin, we hope to have a couple of Skype dates, since we all agree that the more comfortable we are with each other on Transfer Day, the better it will be.

In my last post, I mentioned that I thought we would be aiming for a late July/early August transfer, but as R and T looked at their August calendar, between work, personal stuff and those silly olympics (;o)), August wasn't looking so flexible, which is what the transfer window will be. So, they asked us if we would be OK with shooting for early September. Honestly, that was better for us anyways, as DH is taking the PE (the big engineers' licensing test) April 12th, 2013. A July 27th egg retrieval would have given us a singleton due date of April 19th. We could have made it work, but it would not have been ideal. After GG talked to the ED, we bumped it up a smidge, to the last week of August, since she is in school and September would not have worked for her. Overall, I was super thrilled with the way this discussion took place. R and T asked us first, before taking it to GG and GG contacted me to make sure I was in the loop, so it was double information, but WAY better than no information and those open lines of communication among all involved are what will make this successful:o) We have a vacation planned for mid-late October, so hopefully, we will be able to work around that. The slightly earlier date is actually better for that, and should have me delivering after hubby takes his test, even if it is twins.

We have officially started the legal part (the surrogate agreement/contract). I expect this to be a lot of hurry up, wait, hurry up, wait. When the ball is in our court we will hurry up, read, ask questions and when it is in the IFs court, we will sit and wait and wonder. This whole process is very fascinating to me. I am very curious to see this agreement, how long it is and what it includes. There are so many moving parts and it is amazing how it all comes together to create such a miracle!

DH and I celebrated our 8 year wedding Anniversary this week! I feel like I haven't included enough pictures in my blog, so I will leave you with a couple from that beautiful day, 8 years ago!

1 comment:

  1. Excited to see you are blogging your journey! I loved it as a journalling outlet for myself, and I love keeping track of all my fellow surros and the IPs! Time to back--read from the beginning. :)
