Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1st Ultrasound

There is one little baby nestled in my fluffy uterus:D We are all really excited to have reached this milestone, but know there are many more to achieve. I haven't gotten my blood results, but no one but my booty cares about those anyway;o)
For those who are not skilled at ultrasound translation. The bean shaped thing in the lower left is the gestational sac. Inside there you will see two crosses (if you look really closely), which are at each end of the baby (to measure). It measured 5.1 mm. The other whitish area (or the bottom half of the whitish area inside the sac) below the crosses is the yolk sac. I have another ultrasound scheduled for next Wednesday and we will get another peek:o)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Beta #3

3097! Still doing well. DD was nice enough to share her cold with me this week, but luckily, it wasn't too bad. I definitley have some mild pregnancy symptoms, but nothing major. Next Wednesday we have our first ultrasound (u/s) to confirm heartbeat and see how many heartbeats. I can't wait!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Beta #2

431! That is a good number and puts my doubling time well within the 48-72 hour desired window. I will go back again in 1 week to repeat labs. Woohoo! We are headed down the right path:D

Monday, September 10, 2012


The numbers are in. . .

Beta hCG=240, which means I am definitely pregnant. No big surprise there;o)

Estrodiol=716, which is good.

Progesterone=18.8, which is a smidge low (RE wants it in the 20s), so they upped my PIO dose to 1.5 cc.

Overall, great news! I go back again Wednesday and we want a beta near 500:)

Friday, September 7, 2012

POAS Chronicles!

We are cautiously optimistic, as we anounce that we are pregnant!!!!

This POAS can be a little nerve wrecking. I got the first super faint positive on Tuesday and it has gotten pregressively darker since then (with the exception of yesterday, which was only a smidge darker, if at all). 4 tests under our belts and the guys feel like it is safe to share here:o)

We have a few more milestones to hit before I will feel like I can sit back and enjoy the ride. The next milestone is Beta hCG, which will be Monday and Wednesday. Monday's number is important, but Wednesday's is the bigger one because they want to see the doubling time. The want it to double within 48-72 hours. In the meantime, I will keep POAS!